Sunday, October 7, 2007

Big Boy Max

Max tries his first apple on a hay ride at the Erie Apple Orchard. Let's just say he liked it a little too much!
Max is starting to roll around pretty well. Always making time to strike a pose.

We help him get up on his knees and he can hold himself up. He'll be crawling very soon.

Just look at those eyes!

Doesn't he look older than 5 and 1/2 months in this picture?

Here we are at home on the ranch. Oh right, we don't have a ranch. We were at cousin Braeden's 1st B-Day party.

Max and Bailie hanging out up at Andre's house. (literally)

Cupie doll Max after big Sis gave him a mohawk.

Max taking a nap in his favorite spot. I keep telling him that he shouldn't sleep where he eats.

Max gets a little mad if you give him food he doesn't like. He takes his food very seriously.

Himmmmm.... should I poop now or wait until I get in the tub?

Livia loves her little cousin Max...... most of the time.

How can you not give him anything he wants when he makes this face?


wasielewlc said...

OH MY GOSH!! Max is the cutest! He looks like a little boy now.. I cannot believe it, he has grown sooo much since I saw him last. I almost cried when I looked at these pictures, b/c he is soo cute. I wish I could be there to see him everyday, but hopefully we can have a reunion during Thanksgiving. I miss you guys!!

Anonymous said...

HE IS SOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!! I can't believe how big he is getting! How can you not just give him everything he wants anytime he wants it!! We would be very happy to babysit anytime!!! Hope to see you soon.

Love you guys,

Uncle Kevin & Aunt Missy

Anonymous said...

Max you are getting soo big. I don't always notice how much you've grown, because I see you so much, but looking at these pictures show me what a big boy you are!! I love you so much. See you soon.
Grandma Connie