Sunday, October 7, 2007

Big Boy Max

Max tries his first apple on a hay ride at the Erie Apple Orchard. Let's just say he liked it a little too much!
Max is starting to roll around pretty well. Always making time to strike a pose.

We help him get up on his knees and he can hold himself up. He'll be crawling very soon.

Just look at those eyes!

Doesn't he look older than 5 and 1/2 months in this picture?

Here we are at home on the ranch. Oh right, we don't have a ranch. We were at cousin Braeden's 1st B-Day party.

Max and Bailie hanging out up at Andre's house. (literally)

Cupie doll Max after big Sis gave him a mohawk.

Max taking a nap in his favorite spot. I keep telling him that he shouldn't sleep where he eats.

Max gets a little mad if you give him food he doesn't like. He takes his food very seriously.

Himmmmm.... should I poop now or wait until I get in the tub?

Livia loves her little cousin Max...... most of the time.

How can you not give him anything he wants when he makes this face?