Monday, July 2, 2007

Finally a new post!

Sorry that it's been so long since our last post. We've been very busy getting used to life with our new little guy. He's finally starting to get a little pudgy but he's still as cute as ever..... although I may be just a little biased. Anyway, here are some newer pictures of Max. He will be 3 months old on July 13th.

This is one of mom's favorites. Trust me, he's not as innocent as he looks.

He hasn't quite mastered the whole sitting thing.

Here's Max hanging out at Grandma's pool with Mom and Big Sis.

Cousin Braeden and Max probably won't be this quiet when they get together for much longer.

Hey! Look what I can do!

Attack of the killer bird!

What do you want to do. I'm bored.

Just a picture of the rest of the family so you don't forget what we look like.

If he could only be this peaceful all the time.

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