Friday, February 1, 2008

A Few More from Thanksgiving and X-MAS

Grandpa helps Max negotiate the coffee table.

All those presents left little room for crawling.

Max liked the lights at the Zoo. We made sure he was plenty warm.

Max with all the girls.

Max playing with his favorite toy from Christmas...... a bow.

Hanging out with Grandma Connie and Daisy.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The first Holiday of the Season.... Bailie's Birthday!

My baby girl turns sweet 16!



Max tries to hypnotize us with his cuteness. In this picture, he's saying: "You cannot resist the power of my cuteness. You will give me anything I want, whenever I want it."

Holiday Preview

Max was stylin' at Thanksgiving. I'll post some more photos once the sight is working properly. Right now it takes forever to load each picture and I have too many other things to do.

Pretty cute, huh?

How can you not smile when you look at a face like this?

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Big Boy Max

Max tries his first apple on a hay ride at the Erie Apple Orchard. Let's just say he liked it a little too much!
Max is starting to roll around pretty well. Always making time to strike a pose.

We help him get up on his knees and he can hold himself up. He'll be crawling very soon.

Just look at those eyes!

Doesn't he look older than 5 and 1/2 months in this picture?

Here we are at home on the ranch. Oh right, we don't have a ranch. We were at cousin Braeden's 1st B-Day party.

Max and Bailie hanging out up at Andre's house. (literally)

Cupie doll Max after big Sis gave him a mohawk.

Max taking a nap in his favorite spot. I keep telling him that he shouldn't sleep where he eats.

Max gets a little mad if you give him food he doesn't like. He takes his food very seriously.

Himmmmm.... should I poop now or wait until I get in the tub?

Livia loves her little cousin Max...... most of the time.

How can you not give him anything he wants when he makes this face?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

And the winner is: BAILIE SCHIRA!

Bailie did it!!! We're here in Las Vegas at the LA Dance Magic national finals and last night my beautiful little girl (young lady actually) won the competition for Magic Performer of the Year in her age group! That means she was the top dancer in the entire country this year! We are so proud of all the hard work and everything else she has had to go through to achieve such an amazing goal. We're also very thankful that she is getting recognized by her peers for her efforts because we see the incredible effort she puts in on a regular basis to both excel in school and follow her dreams in dance. She is one fantastic kid!

I don't have any pictures of the event available to post just yet, but I will get some out here ASAP. The picture I've included is from when we were down in Florida.... but at least it looks like I'm holding her up on my shoulders in celebration of her title.

Congratulations Bailie!!!!! We love you!!!!