Friday, February 1, 2008

A Few More from Thanksgiving and X-MAS

Grandpa helps Max negotiate the coffee table.

All those presents left little room for crawling.

Max liked the lights at the Zoo. We made sure he was plenty warm.

Max with all the girls.

Max playing with his favorite toy from Christmas...... a bow.

Hanging out with Grandma Connie and Daisy.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The first Holiday of the Season.... Bailie's Birthday!

My baby girl turns sweet 16!



Max tries to hypnotize us with his cuteness. In this picture, he's saying: "You cannot resist the power of my cuteness. You will give me anything I want, whenever I want it."

Holiday Preview

Max was stylin' at Thanksgiving. I'll post some more photos once the sight is working properly. Right now it takes forever to load each picture and I have too many other things to do.

Pretty cute, huh?

How can you not smile when you look at a face like this?